Monday, February 18, 2013

Field Trip to the Paleontology Museum

Here are some photos from the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology. I will add more photos as the parents send them in.

The girls are pushing the sticks to listen to the sounds that a mama dinosaur and a baby dino could have sounded like.

Sierra compares the size of her own hand to the one of an animal from the past. Those are sharp claws!

The kids consult one another to see which bone goes where. Great job in putting all of the pieces together!

The dig pit was the crowd favorite! What a neat way to have science come alive. We love hands-on learning.

Look out behind you! I think you better start running!
(To be continued...more pictures to come.)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Book Report Presentations

The children (and their parents!!) have been working super hard on their Book Report Projects! They did a written portion as well as created a visual of their choice. Today was the day that each one stood up in front of their classmates and presented their creations.

I must say that EACH CHILD did an amazing job!! I was extremely proud of everyone's creativity and enthusiasm. My heart was touched by how their sweet little personalities shined as they stood and spoke. Even the shy ones didn't seem so shy today, and expressed themselves with confidence.

Here are some photos from the day. A round of applause for all!!

Junie B. Jones visited our classroom! What did she do with our Sophia?

Landon and his 3-part creation of his book in Legos! He clearly explained the beginning, middle, and end of his story.

Loved Aaron's story board! We all thought your houses were so very cool.

(Close up of Landon's Legos)

Beautiful painting of Nicole's favorite part of the story.

Gabriel re-told his story using props for every scene. It was so neat!

Aidan reinacts the sinking of the Titanic. Watch out for the iceburg!

Audrey B. Jones has a Peep in her Pocket! Awesome photo!

Isaac did a great job explaining his story using his poster!

Becky's Rainbow Magic Book cover that she designed

Alyssa O. and her Mushy Gushy Valentine...zap zap!!

Sweet Alyssa P. does a beautiful job with her drawing and explanation

Way to go Monroe! Loved how you talked about each picture on your poster.

Derrick was amazing as he explained about the Wizard of Oz, a classic!!
We were so impressed with Kaylynn's poem about her book!

The kids giggled as Jacob explained about his book...what a funny story!

After the presentations were done, the kids walked around, admiring each other's projects and asking questions. It was such an affirming time for all of them. I am very proud of how our children are very encouraging to one another.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Birthday Party for Jesus!

Happy Birthday Jesus!! This is how we partied in honor of YOU!

The kids made Christmas cards for the men and women in the armed forces. Mrs. Olavarria mailed them off for us.
What a great idea!!

A lively game of "Hot Gingerbread Man"!!