Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Technology in the Classroom!

Today was our first computer class with Miss Osinski. I am so excited about what the kids will be learning this year. She will start them off every day with typing skills! Not only that, she will teach the class all about using Word. My goodness...these kids will be ready to do online research and type up their reports by the time they get to middle school...or even sooner!!

I am thankful that she will also focus on the theme of "responsibility" regarding the use of the internet. She will be sure to teach your kids regarding the dangers of surfing the web without supervision. We will also learn how we can honor the Lord through this useful tool.

In math class, we used technology to learn more about doubles facts. Today in social studies, we learned about the 7 continents and the animals that belong to those continents using Powerpoint.

We are off to a great start using technology in the classroom!

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